How to Field Dress a Turkey: A Step-by-Step Guide
When you harvest a wild turkey, you want to ensure that you preserve and use the bird in a way that honors your harvest and preserves the memory of the hunt. The process to field dress a turkey is fairly quick, simple, and easy for any turkey hunter to

Mounting a Shotgun Guide: Perfecting Your Shooting Form
Properly mounting a shotgun is one of the most important skills any new shooter can develop. Whether you're getting into clay shooting, hunting upland game birds or waterfowl, or just practicing at the range, how you mount your shotgun plays a huge role

The Sub-Gauge Turkey Hunting Shotgun: Small and Effective
Turkey hunting requires precision, patience, and the right gear. For many hunters, sub-gauge shotguns provide a lighter and more manageable alternative to traditional 12-gauge shotguns. These smaller shotguns are perfect for youth hunters, hunters with