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- Advantages of Coyote Hunting with A Suppressor
Advantages of Coyote Hunting with A Suppressor

Coyote hunting has become increasingly popular among outdoor enthusiasts, farmers, and conservationists as a means to control the growing population of these adaptable predators. As the interest in responsible and ethical hunting practices rises, the use of suppressors has garnered attention for its potential advantages in the pursuit of coyotes. Savage ambassador and experienced hunter, Kyle Kuechel has been coyote hunting with a suppressor for many years and knows the advantages firsthand. Kuechel helped us break down the advantages of coyote hunting with a suppressor.
Noise Reduction
One of the primary advantages of coyote hunting with a suppressor is the significant noise reduction. Unsuppressed firearms generate loud, sharp sounds that can disturb the tranquility of the natural environment and potentially cause distress to nearby wildlife. “In the case of the coyote hunter, other coyotes may be apprehensive to approach a call after the report from an unsuppressed shot,” says Kuechel. A suppressor mitigates this issue by muffling the sound, making the hunting experience quieter and less disruptive to the surrounding environment, and less likely to scare off nearby coyotes.
“The use of a suppressor gives a predator hunter an advantage as the coyote is a pack animal and most areas have no bag limit,” says Kuechel. By keeping noise levels to a minimum, hunters can engage in coyote population management with greater consideration for the overall balance of the ecosystem as well as a greater potential for success on multiple targets.
With the initial shot being significantly quieter, there's a reduced risk of alarming nearby coyotes, allowing hunters to take follow-up shots more effectively. The suppressed firearm enables hunters to maintain control over the situation, as coyotes are less likely to scatter or become wary after the first shot. This tactical advantage, combined with the improved accuracy and quick target acquisition often associated with suppressed firearms, makes hunters shooting with suppressors more likely to achieve multiple kills in a single outing, creating a more efficient and successful coyote hunting experience.
Reduced Hearing Damage
The threshold for a hearing-safe level varies, but a commonly used guideline is around 140 decibels (dB). Prolonged exposure to sounds at or above this level can cause permanent hearing damage. Many firearms, especially without any noise-reducing devices, produce noise levels well above 140 dB. It's important to note that even short exposure to extremely high decibel levels, such as those generated by firearms, can lead to hearing damage. Suppressors can bring the decibel level closer to, or even below, the safe range for hearing, significantly minimizing the risk of hearing damage for both the shooter and anyone in the nearby vicinity.
Savage’s new suppressor, AccuCan successfully reduces sound to hearing-safe levels. Measured at the shooter’s left ear, AccuCan AC30 reduces sound to an average of 134.7 dB with an 18” barrel shooting 6.5 Creedmoor or to an average of 136.6 dB with a 20” barrel shooting 300 Win Mag. For .22 cal firearms, AccuCan AC22 reduces sound to an average of 116 dB with sub-sonic ammunition or to an average of 125 dB with sonic ammunition, as measured at the shooter’s left ear.
Enhanced Accuracy
Suppressors can have a positive impact on the accuracy of shots. By reducing recoil and muzzle rise, these devices help maintain a steadier aim, allowing hunters to deliver precise and effective shots. Improved accuracy is particularly crucial in coyote hunting, where the ability to make quick and precise shots is essential for successful population control and minimizing the risk of wounded animals. “The increased accuracy, reduced muzzle flash, and ability to get back on target is crucial for a coyote hunter as the coyote is a pack animal and it is not uncommon to have a group of coyotes come in at once,” says Kuechel.
The diminished recoil, muzzle rise, muzzle flash, and increased accuracy all combine to give coyote hunters better opportunities to double.
Hunt Without Wearable Ear Protection
Coyote hunting with a suppressor that diminishes the firearm’s sound signature not only protects the hunter's ears from potential permanent damage but also enhances situational awareness in the field.
As a responsible hunter, one should always have means of ear protection. In the traditional sense, hunters would use foam inserts in their ears, or over-the-ear muffs. While these methods are effective in protecting the hunter’s ear, they often prevent the hunter from hearing environmental sounds which can be the key to the success of any hunter. Enter the suppressor; the hearing protection that is attached to the rifle. Coyote hunting with suppressors brings the noise of the report from firing the gun down to hearing-safe levels, so the suppressed hunter can stay in tune with what is going on around them and remain hearing-safe when the opportunity to pull the trigger arises. “Coyotes are often known to circle to get wind of their prey and have “back-doored” many coyote hunters. Sound is often the hunter’s first indication that something is coming in behind them, so having your ears free of wearable hearing protection gives the hunter an advantage that wouldn’t have existed before the suppressor while remaining hearing safe,” says Kuechel.
Kuechel notes that it’s tough to predator hunt with ear protection (although it’s doable and many hunters do it). Kuechel listens carefully to his surroundings for a coyote call-off or a coyote sneaking in on the rough terrain and counts on a suppressor to be his hearing protection.
As coyote populations continue to expand and human-wildlife interactions become more frequent, responsible and ethical hunting practices are essential. Coyote hunting with a suppressor provides numerous advantages, from reducing noise and preserving hearing health to enhancing accuracy and promoting a more respectful approach to wildlife management.
If you liked this article on coyote hunting with a suppressor and you're looking for more tips and tricks on coyote hunting, we’ve got you covered!
Kyle Kuechel helped us break down hunting tactics for anyone wanting to get started with coyote hunting. This Advanced Beginner’s Guide to Predator Hunting covers everything from land access and coyote behavior to how to avoid getting winded, calling techniques, and what to do if you get stuck in a rut.
Kuechel also gave us his top picks for Predator Hunting Gear. This gear guide runs through everything Kuechel takes on his coyote hunts, what to look for in gear, and why.