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- Celebrating Women in the Outdoors: International Women's Day
Celebrating Women in the Outdoors: International Women's Day

On International Women’s Day, you’ll probably hear a lot of inspiring stories about how women are breaking barriers in boardrooms, owning businesses, forging change, advocating for reform, and empowering other women. It’s a global day to celebrate the achievements of women all over the world. To celebrate International Women’s Day in our corner of the world, we look to women in the outdoors. If there is one thing we’ve learned – it’s that women make the outdoors better for everyone.
One of our goals at Savage is to celebrate those who carry on the hunting heritage by taking new hunters under their wing. “Not only are women passionate about hunting and shooting, but they show a passion for bringing others into the outdoors. Hunters and shooters who unselfishly mentor others, break down barriers and share a passion for growing our sport, we cannot celebrate them enough,” says Savage’s Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Rob Gates. Without fail, women in the outdoors have embraced mentorship and created warm communities that welcome hunters and shooters of all skill levels and share the same passion for the outdoors and helping others.
“I’ve been in the industry over 30 years. I’ve been blessed to be a part of an ever-changing landscape of what hunters and shooters look like, where they come from, and how they engage with others in our industry,” says Gates. “To watch the growth of women in our sport has been amazing.”
This year, Savage wants to shine a spotlight on some amazing women in the outdoors – leaders, role models, mentors, mothers, sisters, and daughters – by sharing their stories, words of advice and encouragement for other women. We want to uplift all the women who share the outdoors and invite others to join.
We’re proud to call all of these women our friends at Savage. They are doing incredible work in the outdoors, and we’re thrilled to share their stories.