How to Install a Renegauge Choke Tube

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Choke tubes. Knowing how to change a choke tube to suit your shooting needs is an essential skill for any shotgunner. This guide will walk you through the steps on how to install a Renegauge choke tube. 

WARNING! Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Make sure your firearm is completely unloaded and ensure that your workspace is void of ammunition at all times. The safety should be set to the Full Safe position. Safety glasses should be worn.

Renegauge Choke Tubes

Each Renegauge model comes with a kit that contains a set of model-specific choke tubes, choke tube wrench and a hard plastic case. 

Model Included Choke Tubes Pattern
Renegauge Field Full, Improved Cylinder, Modified Beretta/Benelli Mobil
Renegauge Turkey Bottomland Extended Turkey, Full, Improved Cylinder, Modified Beretta/Benelli Mobil
Renegauge Turkey Obsession Extended Turkey, Full, Improved Cylinder, Modified Beretta/Benelli Mobil
Renegauge Waterfowl Full, Improved Cylinder, Modified Beretta/Benelli Mobil
Renegauge Prairie Full, Improved Cylinder, Modified Beretta/Benelli Mobil
Renegauge Security Full, Improved Cylinder, Modified Beretta/Benelli Mobil
Renegauge Competition Extended Skeet2 Light Modified Beretta/Benelli Mobil

Renegauge choke tube kit

If you’re unsure which choke tube offers the right constriction for your shooting purposes, check out this Beginner’s Guide on Choke Tubes!

How to Install a Renegauge Choke Tube

  1. Set the safety to the full safe position
  2. Verify that the shotgun is clear of ammunition
  3. Verify that the magazine tube is clear of ammunition by pushing the elevator up into the receiver to see the red magazine follower
    1. If the red follower is not visible, empty the magazine tube so the red follower is visible
  4. Lock the bolt open
  5. Retrieve the choke tube wrench from the Renegauge choke tube kit (model specific)
  6. Insert the choke tube wrench and engage the notches in the choke tube
  7. Turn counterclockwise to remove
  8. Remove the choke tube
  9. Clean the threads
  10. Insert a new choke tube into the barrel
  11. Turn clockwise to tighten
  12. Insert the choke tube wrench and engage the notches in the choke tube
  13. Tighten firmly by turning clockwise
  14. Close the bolt
  15. Replace the choke tube wrench in the Renegauge choke tube kit 

Check out this video on how to install a choke tube.

Safe firearm ownership is your responsibility. When something does not sound, feel, or look right, seek the advice of a professional gunsmith immediately.

If you have any questions, please refer to your owner’s manual and call our customer service team at 1-800-370-0708 (Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm ET)