- Savage Blog
- Casey Smith
Casey Smith

Casey Smith was born and raised in Northern Utah. Although he had an early childhood appreciation for the outdoors, opportunities to experience it wouldn’t come until adult hood and after 10 years of service to the United States Army. Casey is a decorated combat veteran and has since switched his uniform for hiking boots. He now dedicates his spare time to making memories in the field and is a sitting board member for a veterans non profit, Hunts For The Brave, which specializes in taking military veterans on life changing hunting and fishing trips across the western United States. Casey is married to his high school sweetheart and together they have two children.

Advantages of Shooting Suppressed & Suppressor Ownership
We’ve all experienced it; you are at the gun range or up on the mountain hunting when the shot breaks out. Your lack of hearing protection is immediately apparent. The ringing in your ears subsides, but was the damage done? As someone who grew up with

Waterfowl Slam on Sandhill Crane | Savage Journeys
The UWC North American Waterfowl Grand Slam has sent me to Texas hunting the Gulf of Mexico, to the Pacific Northwest hunting Cacklers in Oregon, to the Bearing Sea hunting King Eiders on St. Paul Island and numerous destinations in-between. Every trip

Migration Series: Frozen Marsh | Utah
The current time is 4:23am: Tony and I set off into the dark, sleds full of decoys dragging behind us. With every step the ice talks to us shooting spurs of cracks as far as you can see. We joke, “This goes against everything I’ve ever