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- Anne Beihoffer | Women in the Outdoors
Anne Beihoffer | Women in the Outdoors

This year for International Women’s Day, we are celebrating the outdoors and those who make it a better place for all. We want to shine a spotlight on some amazing women in the outdoors – leaders, role models, mentors, mothers, sisters, and daughters – by sharing their stories, words of advice and encouragement for other women. We want to uplift and empower all the women who share the outdoors. One of the women we are proud to call our friend at Savage is Anne Beihoffer. This is her story!
Anne Beihoffer
I started hunting in my early 20’s when female hunters were not the norm. I’ve experienced the challenges of being a female hunter, and because of that I am passionate about helping other women overcome barriers to become empowered and self-sufficient in the outdoors. I’m delighted to see the progress that has been made to improve the tools and resources for women hunters, and even more excited about what we have yet to accomplish!
I enjoy working as a Project Manager for Vista Outdoor, where I can connect with other employees to expand our impact on the outdoors community. I recently acquired a new volunteer role as the National Women’s Program Director for the First Hunt Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to developing a community of mentors so all who have a desire to learn about hunting can have that opportunity. I learn so much myself when I mentor other people, which makes me a more complete and fulfilled hunter as a result.
I’m proud to be a woman in the outdoors because it has been my own unique journey, with so many incredible opportunities to experience the natural world. For me it is so much more than just the pursuit and the harvest. I value the food I put on the table because I know firsthand of the life that was given to put it there. I am able to think more clearly and hear my soul speak when I’m in the field and away from the distractions of the 24/7 electronically connected world. I am a conservationist because I have respect for the game I pursue and the habitat in which it lives, and I work to improve and expand that habitat so that all things wild continue their existence. Most importantly it’s taught me to have confidence in myself, and to know that I can overcome challenges, fears, and barriers if I put my heart and mind into it. My advice to other women who are interested in trying hunting is to seek out others who will support and encourage you on your journey – there are many of us who can’t wait to meet you in the field!
Read more Women in the Outdoors stories!