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- Tiffany Lakosky | Women in the Outdoors
Tiffany Lakosky | Women in the Outdoors

This year for International Women’s Day, we are celebrating the outdoors and those who make it a better place for all. We want to shine a spotlight on some amazing women in the outdoors – leaders, role models, mentors, mothers, sisters, and daughters – by sharing their stories, words of advice and encouragement for other women. We want to uplift and empower all the women who share the outdoors. One of the women we are proud to call our friend and partner at Savage is Tiffany Lakosky. This is her story!
Tiffany Lakosky
My name is Tiffany Lakosky, and I am the co-host with my husband Lee Lakosky of CRUSH with Lee & Tiffany on Outdoor Channel. We have two beautiful children, Cameron (6) and Raygen (4) and two black labs, Mattie May, and Skye. I came into the outdoor and hunting industry at a time when it was still a very male dominated space and before there was even Instagram, influencers, etc. My first date with Lee was shed hunting, followed by spending time learning to shoot a bow in the archery shop he worked in and at the range with firearms. I was hooked. We saved up every penny we had and moved to Iowa to begin our building our dream of whitetail management which has turned into more than we could have ever hoped for with a top-rated show on Outdoor Channel, incredible partnerships such as Savage Arms, and a strong following on social media.
Throughout this time, it has been so amazing to see the growing numbers of female hunters, shooters, archers, anglers, etc. And with the increased popularity of social media, women of all ages are proud to show off their accomplishments and adventures which is only doing more to help reach and recruit more females into the space. It used to be growing up that perhaps only playing sports or makeup or fashion could give you a sense of confidence, now it can come from hitting your target or climbing that next peak. The saying: “Be Strong. You Never Know Who You Are Inspiring” is one that I live by as we have so many young ladies come up to us at shows, etc. and tell us that I inspired them to get out there and start hunting or shooting and that is hands down one of the greatest accomplishments that I am most proud of in my career.
So, find a mentor. For me it was my husband, but it can truly be anyone – even someone on TV or social media that ignites that spark inside you.
And then find your tribe; they are out there and it’s easier than ever to connect with them. A few to note:
- NRA Women
- Women’s Outdoor Network
- Women’s Hunting Association
- MN Becoming an Outdoors Woman
Watch the CRUSH Sunday nights at 8p ET on Outdoor Channel and Follow on Social Media:
Online: www.thecrush.tv
Read more Women in the Outdoors stories!