Factory Blueprinted Action | Performance Innovation

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Blueprinting, or truing, involves squaring the receiver locking lug recesses, receiver face, bolt face, recoil lug and barrel lock nut to accomplish perfect alignment between the action and the rifle’s bore. A factory blueprinted action creates concentricity between the action and the bore for consistent accuracy and repeatability. By squaring all surfaces, it creates tight tolerances between all components.

Savage’s Factory Blueprinted Action

To manufacture a factory blueprinted action, Savage takes the extra step of individually truing and blueprinting its actions, much like a custom gunsmith would do. But we do it right in the factory as the rifles are machined and assembled. 

Factory blueprinting requires all of Savage’s normal tight production tolerances with the added step of custom grinding the recoil lug, locking lugs, and barrel lock nut to even tighter tolerances to ensure the greatest accuracy. The receiver face and lug surfaces inside the receiver are also machined to exacting tolerances to help ensure that everything is perfectly square once the rifle is assembled. Our precision machined receivers and precision rifled barrels are then mated together with the custom machined small parts by our expert craftsmen to produce a rifle with match grade accuracy, right out of the box. This is what Savage Accuracy is all about.

The result is a set of match-grade components that are perfectly square to the line of the bore.

This performance innovation can be found on the following models:

Learn more about Savage Performance Innovations.