- Savage Blog
- Courtney Nicolson
Courtney Nicolson

Courtney Nicolson is an avid hunter and angler living in Denver, Colorado. She is an adult onset hunter, and shares her passion for getting other women into the sport by mentoring and teaching Hunter Education. Ducks are her favorite game to chase and you can find her Christmas mornings sneaking out of her parents house on Cape Cod to search for sea ducks. Her bucket list hunt would be an Alaskan duck hunt for King Eider, Harlequin and Barrow's Goldeneye!
Follow her on Instagram @courtneywithfreckles.

Under Wing: Hunting Mentorship Guides the Way
It all began in 2019 when I walked up to a wall tent in the middle of nowhere Montana. I pulled back the door flaps and was greeted by 15 female faces, laughing, cooking, eating, and sitting around swapping stories. Some were old friends; some I had

Migration Series: Serene River Bottom | Colorado
I didn’t grow up hunting. I was 23 years old and living in New York City when I first became interested in hunting. No one else in my family hunts, nor did I have any friends who did. Learning to duck hunt was a lot of trial and error and many