Stories From the Road

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Some stories are too good not to tell. Being in the outdoors inevitably leads to epic experiences and meeting unforgettable people that create the core memories we tell over the campfire for years to come.


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Early Goose Hunting in North Dakota
July 12th, 2024

Sometimes you have to swallow hard and accept what you can’t change, especially when it comes to goose hunting. As I turned the pickup truck onto a grassy two-track that bordered a wheat stubble field we had scouted the night before, the meteorologist

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On the Trail of Roaring Axis Bucks
June 14th, 2024

It's the beginning of May and the turkeys are gobbling, the bears are waking up, and the fish are biting. But what a lot of people don't know is the Axis bucks are also starting to roar. Axis deer were introduced into the US in the early 1930s and made a

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Savage Renegauge...My New Old Shotgun
May 3rd, 2024

I have always been the guy who runs with the same firearm year after year, season after season. In some cases, it's the same one my Dad bought me when I was a kid, 35+ years ago. It was the case for years with my deer rifle and it was certainly the

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An Ode to the Good Ole Days of Deer Hunting
April 19th, 2024

It’s hard to not think about the good ole days. As I sit here in what is the "prime" part of my hunting career as far as my ability to travel and chase my dreams, I have found myself in a pickle. My boys are not quite old enough to hunt, and while I

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Subsistence | Hunt, Fish, Forage
April 5th, 2024

Subsistence is defined as “the action or fact of maintaining or supporting oneself at a minimum level.” This takes on a deeper meaning for outdoorsmen and women who seek to sustain themselves through all forms of wild harvest. Justin Balzer aka Griz

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Mule Deer Hunting on Horseback | The Trapper Buck
March 22nd, 2024

Every hunt brings with it unique challenges and moments that stay with me long after I return home. For most hunts, I find that the harder the terrain or chase, the more memorable that event becomes to me. I am also a slightly superstitious hunter, so

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How Bear Hunting with Hounds and Bait Changed My Perspective
March 8th, 2024

When I was approached to attend an event with top industry writers in the beautiful mountains of Idaho, I did not hesitate to say yes. I am a sucker for beautiful places, mountains, and tackling new challenges as I expand my hunting career. As I learned

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Training My Deer Tracking Dog | Red
October 26th, 2023

This is a story about my tracking dog, Red. After failing to recover wounded big game animals over the years I decided to train my English Redtick Coonhound to aid me in the search. Once I obtained my New Hampshire leashed tracking license, I wanted to

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Three Things I Learned Hunting With a Master Chef
May 11th, 2023

The pursuit of wild game and motivation for doing so differs widely across the world. Sportsmen in the US primarily pursue wildlife for sport, and to fill our personal freezers with delicious fair for family and friends. Of course, many are always on

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Youth Trap Shooting and Its Impact on The Shooting Sports
March 30th, 2023

We all start somewhere when it comes to the outdoors and shooting sports. Some folks grow up with it and are immersed in it all their lives. Others have never held a gun before, nor have they ever set foot in the field. It was this question of how

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Outdoor Mentors: The Importance of Giving Back
March 2nd, 2023

The outdoors carries with it a tremendous number of opportunities for all those willing and able to pursue them. It is a fact, that the continued pursuit of outdoor recreation is what sustains the continued existence of the places and animals we love.

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What is a Driven Hunt?
February 28th, 2023

Stepping off the plane into Berlin, the adventure of my first driven hunt was about to begin. It was cold and wet in Germany during the first week of December. We are here to test a new rifle, and this hunting set-up is exactly what the rifle was built for.

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A New Hunter's Adventure for Antelope
November 3rd, 2022

The first week of October is my favorite time to be on the high plains of central Wyoming. The cottonwoods in the creek bottoms have turned a sunny yellow, a few low shrubs are showing their fall colors, and the weather is generally beautiful. Best of

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Megan's First Rifle Deer Hunt in Oklahoma
August 25th, 2022

Megan Harten, Savage Arms Senior Communications Specialist, has been an avid hunter for years and recounts her experiences during her first rifle deer hunt. Traveling through a new airport, trying to coordinate a spot in baggage claim to meet complete

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Hunting New Beginnings - Adult Onset Hunter
February 24th, 2022

To say that the morning was slow would be an injustice to the all too familiar day-long treestand sits with only a gray squirrel or two for company or marathon still hunts that yield nothing more than fresh air and pleasant views. It was a slow hunting

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Under Wing: Hunting for Conservation and Sustainability
February 10th, 2022

A smile of recognition breaks across my face, hearing my friend Courtney’s bubbly voice on the other end of the line. Her quirky personality and fun sense of humor make our friendship feel easy, light and refreshing. Excitedly, she asks if

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Under Wing: Hunting Mentorship Guides the Way
February 8th, 2022

It all began in 2019 when I walked up to a wall tent in the middle of nowhere Montana. I pulled back the door flaps and was greeted by 15 female faces, laughing, cooking, eating, and sitting around swapping stories. Some were old friends; some I had

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Under Wing: Love for the Outdoors
February 3rd, 2022

Hi everyone! I am Olivia Stanley! I am twenty-two, a daughter, sister, friend, and hunter. I am from La Grange, KY, which is about forty-five minutes from Louisville. I have lived in Kentucky my whole life and wouldn’t change a single day here

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Under Wing: A Great Hunting Adventure
February 1st, 2022

I strolled into the Louisville Airport dragging a roller bag nearly as big as myself with a camo pack on my back and a gun case (complete with two TSA locks) in hand. “That’s quite the bag you’ve got there.” Commented a guy

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Heimat-Wild: Sustainable Hunting
December 8th, 2021

It’s important for us at Savage to shine a spotlight on hunters who understand the values of conservation and sustainable hunting. Our Savage counterparts in Europe have partnered with Heimat-Wild to show the world how ethical and sustainable hunting

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5 Lessons Learned from Sheep Country
October 21st, 2021

I had given up hope that a Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep would be in my future. Ram tags can be nearly impossible to draw unless you start applying at a young age, and pay-to-play outfitted ram hunts are too expensive for my budget. However, I was

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Sway's First Firearm and Lesson in Gun Safety
June 17th, 2021

When you find out you’re going to become a parent, you begin imagining all the things you’re going to do together with your child.  Memories you’ll soon make.  Oftentimes for the outdoorsman, these dreams include taking your

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Aoudad: Poor Man’s Sheep Hunt, I Disagree
April 13th, 2021

Savage Marketing Director, Beth Shimanski had an opportunity to hunt aoudad, an elusive exotic sheep species, in Texas. Some people believe that hunting aoudad is the poor man's sheep hunt, but Shimanski disagrees with that sentiment after an unexpected

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Savage Renegauge: Sallie Doty's New Favorite Shotgun
December 21st, 2020

So many people shoot Savage rifles, but their first semiautomatic shotgun, Savage Renegauge with new technology has me stoked. I have been shooting shotguns for the past 9 years. I've shot some bad ones, and I mean bad ones. One was so bad I refuse to

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A Hunting Lesson with My Son
October 15th, 2020

“Are you ready for a dove hunting lesson with me, buddy?” I ask my son, Sway, as he runs to me from the entrance of his preschool. My four year old grins wide and lets out an excited, “Woop!” as he jumps into my arms. Dove hunting, just

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Why Mentoring Youth Hunters is my Passion
October 6th, 2020

Ever thought about mentoring a new hunter? Brittany French of Outdoor Mentors shares why she's so passionate about mentoring youth hunters. Being a mentor is being able to share gifts, experiences, a listening ear, and passions we have for life with

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Sallie Doty's First Solo Rifle Antelope Hunt
September 9th, 2020

I first got into antelope hunting several years ago after I moved from Minnesota to South Dakota. These creatures really intrigued me since I heard that their curiosity can be their undoing. I started by trying to bow hunt them (exceedingly difficult)

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Sallie Doty's First Deer Hunt in South Dakota
September 4th, 2020

I moved to Pierre, SD in 2012. I grew up in the Twin Cities and lived mostly a city life. I knew a few people that hunted -- some friends of friends and friend's family. I always found it be to interesting, but I was focused on other things like swim

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My Barren Ground Alaska Caribou Hunt
August 17th, 2020

Beth Shimanski, Savage Arms Marketing Director, tells the tale of how her Alaska caribou hunt went from 4 months to 45 minutes to 4-5 seconds! Months of training turned into minutes of execution and success in a way she could only imagine.  Although

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A Dream Hunt for Sea Ducks in Maine
February 11th, 2020

Megan Harten, Savage Arms Senior Communications Specialist, has dreamed of hunting sea ducks and had the opportunity of a lifetime to hunt them in Maine.  Looking out the window of my last flight of the day, I could see snow covered earth as the sun

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How I Developed a Hunting Passion: Evolution of a Hunter
January 14th, 2020

Not everyone was raised a hunter. Some learn and develop hunting passion later in life. Beth Shimanski, Savage Arms Marketing Director, shares how she evolved as a hunter. When I started in this industry 4 years ago, hunting was a passion I had not yet