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- Heimat-Wild: Sustainable Hunting
Heimat-Wild: Sustainable Hunting

It’s important for us at Savage to shine a spotlight on hunters who understand the values of conservation and sustainable hunting. Our Savage counterparts in Europe have partnered with Heimat-Wild to show the world how ethical and sustainable hunting practices can produce high-quality food, clothing, and other products.
Hunting is one of the oldest cultures known to man. Born out of the search for high-quality food, it has become a passion and responsibility for millions of people around the world. A recipe for success in hunting, which is particularly popular today, was and is the ability to adapt to the ever-changing challenges without neglecting the non-negotiable hunting justice.
Because hunting is so much more than just harvesting game. Hunting means actively doing something for nature and taking responsibility with personal commitment, good training, and suitable equipment. Hunting also means the sensible use of a sustainable resource. This highly relevant topic is currently and rightly attracting many positive reactions from society to the hunt. With the current challenges from ever increasing population densities, the more intensive use and management of nature, which is increasingly becoming a cultural landscape, the importance of hunting for the preservation of the so important biodiversity is growing. The game needs the hunter as the only advocate it has, more than ever. Not to forget the education of the population about the correct, considerate behavior in nature, which is increasingly being rediscovered as a source of relaxation and activities.
Starting with a very selective hunt for wild biological aspects to control the population, but also to keep the stocks healthy. Through the complete utilization of the game meat to make healthy food that meets the highest standards of sustainable, environmentally friendly production and animal welfare. Up to the processing of the animal skin and the antlers, for example into clothing and even the parts that cannot be used by humans as natural, healthy animal food.
Heimat-Wild shows how the products from hunting can be processed responsibly into high-quality and sustainable clothing, food and more.
That is why we are particularly proud to be part of this large community and to clearly commit ourselves to hunting with our company and to actively support it.