How to Install an Extended Magazine Tube on Renegauge

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Most Renegauge models have a 4+1 magazine capacity. However, if you need a higher capacity in the magazine tube for certain types of shooting like snow goose, coyote, competition or even home defense, this guide will walk you through the steps on how to install an extended magazine tube on Renegauge.

To purchase an extended magazine tube for Renegauge, please check out the extension kit on our webstore

WARNING! Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Make sure your firearm is completely unloaded and ensure that your workspace is void of ammunition at all times. The safety should be set to the Full Safe position. Safety glasses should be worn.


*Except Renegauge Competition and Renegauge Security that come with an extended magazine tube from the factory.

How to Install an Extended Magazine Tube

  1. Place the safety into the full safe position
  2. Verify that the shotgun is clear of ammunition
  3. Close the bolt 
  4. Loosen the factory magazine cap
  5. Pull the barrel assembly off of the gun and set aside
  6. Depress the magazine end plug approximately ½ inch until flush to the magazine tube
  7. Remove the magazine pin and set aside
  8. Slowly release end plug, keeping your hand over it and set aside
  9. Let spring slowly extend coil by coil
  10. Remove spring
  11. Take magazine spring coupler, snap added spring (small) coil to coupler
  12. Reinstall barrel assembly
  13. Install the spring assembly into the factory magazine, leading with the smaller spring
  14. Install the barrel assembly over the gun
  15. Install the spring assembly into the magazine tube
  16. Slowly walk the spring down while holding the coil in place
  17. When the amount of exposed spring is the same as the extension, hold the spring with one hand and slide the extension over the spring
  18. Hold the extension down and thread on the magazine tube until tight. Tighten firmly.
  19. Loosen the bolts on the barrel clamp using a 9/64" Allen wrench
  20. Slide over the barrel to a chosen position over the magazine tube
  21. Hand tighten bolts on barrel clamp with a 9/64 inch Allen wrench

Check out this video on how to install a Renegauge extended mag tube.

Safe firearm ownership is your responsibility. When something does not sound, feel, or look right, seek the advice of a professional gunsmith immediately.

If you have any questions, please refer to your owner’s manual and call our customer service team at 1-800-370-0708 (Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm ET)