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- Judy Rhodes | Women in the Outdoors
Judy Rhodes | Women in the Outdoors

We joined the world in celebrating International Women’s Day (IWD) earlier this year by shining a spotlight on women in the outdoors and those who make it a better place for all. We shared the stories and words of advice and encouragement of leaders, role models, mentors, mothers, sisters, and daughters to uplift and empower all the women who share the outdoors. We have met and gotten to know many more incredible women since March 2022, and we simply couldn’t wait until IWD 2023 to introduce you to more Women in the Outdoors! One of the women we are proud to call our friend at Savage is Judy Rhodes. This is her story!
Judy Rhodes
I am founder of the largest women ONLY outdoor organization across the globe, DIVA…Women Outdoors Worldwide (WOW), a unique all volunteer Sisterhood.
I take great pride in being The Voice of Women in the Outdoors.
Daughter of East Texas ranching parents I discovered the outdoors the Ole fashion way…I lived it. I am committed to conservation and an outdoor lifestyle. Prior to COVID I hunted 250 days annually in swamps, rivers, lakes, mountains, bush and/or fields worldwide. My passion is wingshooting. I have been on 25 safaris, do not count me out on Big Game Hunting.
My advice for women in the outdoors:
How the outdoor industry can support women:
How women can get involved in the outdoors: DIVA…Women Outdoors Worldwide www.divawow.org
We have members in all 50 states and 27 foreign countries. Our mission: Introduce Women to the Outdoors
How I Got Started:
How I support other women:
Why I’m proud to be a woman in the outdoors: I am proudest of the life long friendships and adventures created with women from all over the world that believe in my vision of introducing women to the great outdoors!
Challenges women face in the outdoor industry:
How I overcome challenges:
Follow Judy Rhodes @judyprhodes and check out https://divawow.org/.
Read more Women in the Outdoors stories!