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- Robyn Sandoval | Women in the Outdoors
Robyn Sandoval | Women in the Outdoors

This year for International Women’s Day, we are celebrating the outdoors and those who make it a better place for all. We want to shine a spotlight on some amazing women in the outdoors – leaders, role models, mentors, mothers, sisters, and daughters – by sharing their stories, words of advice and encouragement for other women. We want to uplift and empower all the women who share the outdoors. One of the women we are proud to call our friend and partner at Savage is Robyn Sandoval. This is her story!
Robyn Sandoval
I am the co-owner and Executive Director of A Girl & A Gun. Although now I am a leader, instructor, competitor, and advocate for gun rights, I still cherish the advice and guidance I received from other women when I was a new gun owner.
Conversations on topics from where to find training opportunities to how to teach my children gun safety ultimately shaped my journey. I was fortunate to be a student of exceptional female instructors and I was inspired by their trailblazing to lift up other women in the industry. When a class didn't exist for women to gain entry into a male-dominated area, A Girl & A Gun created the class. We are proud to break barriers for women and girls in action shooting sports, armory and gunsmithing, snipercraft, self-defense, and many other areas.
Over the past decade we have seen not only more female instructors, but also female range owners and brand executives who are helping to reshape industry. Together we have broken the stereotype of the American gun owner, and we have better training, gear, and products that address the needs of women in the shooting sports. I am grateful that A Girl & A Gun has been a key part of expanding and elevating the outdoor industry. Find a chapter near you at AGirlandAGun.org.
Follow A Girl and A Gun @agagclub
Read more Women in the Outdoors stories!