Migration Series: Flooded Fields | Oregon
Waterfowl hunting was one of the first outdoor experiences I was exposed to as a child. My father Sean, and Uncle Hanree are my biggest influences when it comes to big game and waterfowl hunting, and I have been hunting with them since I was eleven years old.

Mike Stroff's Antelope Hunting Tips
Antelope hunting can be one of the most thrilling hunting experiences in North America, but it requires a lot of planning. Savage ambassador and host of "Savage Outdoors" and "The One", Mike Stroff has expert tips to help you prepare. Do Your

Mike Stroff's Hog Hunting Tips
If you're in an area overrun by wild hogs, hunting them is often the only way to manage their population. If you're new to hog hunting or wanting to step up your game, Savage ambassador and host of "Savage Outdoors" and "The One", Mike Stroff has the

Migration Series: Frozen Marsh | Utah
The current time is 4:23am: Tony and I set off into the dark, sleds full of decoys dragging behind us. With every step the ice talks to us shooting spurs of cracks as far as you can see. We joke, “This goes against everything I’ve ever

How To Find The Right Bases For A Savage Centerfire Rifle
In order to find the right bases for a Savage centerfire rifle, you’ll need to determine three things about your rifle: flat or round back receiver, action length, and screw hole size. This is a guide to help you determine each of these

Chanterelle Mushrooms – Foolproof Foraging
If you’re going to try foraging for wild mushrooms, you need to know what you’re doing. Poisonous fungi don’t warn you with unpleasant smells or tastes. Luckily, there are quite a few choice mushrooms which are easily identified.

Migration Series: Serene River Bottom | Colorado
I didn’t grow up hunting. I was 23 years old and living in New York City when I first became interested in hunting. No one else in my family hunts, nor did I have any friends who did. Learning to duck hunt was a lot of trial and error and many

How to Disassemble Renegauge
Unlike other semi-auto shotguns that are notorious for coming apart in many pieces, Renegauge comes apart in only five major pieces with just a few easy steps. Whether you need to field strip your shotgun or fully break it down for a deep clean, this guide

Migration Series: A Special Breed
If there’s one thing we know about waterfowlers, it’s that they are a special breed of hunters. They’re up before the dawn, endure Mother Nature’s finest wet weather and sideways winds, and work tirelessly to perfect their

How to Find the Perfect Shotgun Fit with Renegauge
Proper fit is key for consistent and accurate shooting. Getting the fit of a shotgun right gives you a predictable platform and lets you focus where focus is needed, on your target. Getting your shotgun fit wrong can mean the difference between a crushing

Renegauge’s DRIV Gas System - How it Works
When we began building a shotgun, we knew it was a crowded market. Many companies make functional semi-automatic shotguns. It wasn’t enough to simply make another one—this one had to be a Savage. The result is Renegauge—Savage’s

Floating Bolt Head | Performance Innovation
There are many factors when it comes to building an accurate rifle. Each component must be optimized for everything to work together perfectly for accuracy down range. Consistency is the recipe for accuracy in a rifle. The Floating Bolt Head is a Savage

Mike Stroff's Whitetail Deer Hunting Tips
There are three critical components to successful late season whitetail deer hunting -- know the food, play the wind, and strategic calling. Savage ambassador and host of "Savage Outdoors" and the "The One", Mike Stroff has expert tips to help you master

Headspace Control | Performance Innovation
If you’ve been around firearms, you’ve probably heard of the term “headspace”. But what is headspace? Headspace is the distance from the face of the closed bolt to the surface in the chamber on which the cartridge seats.

How to Find a Range Without a Rangefinder
The easiest way to get a range is to use a laser range finder. They’re relatively inexpensive, widely available, easy to use, and give you very accurate ranges instantaneously. But what if you’re in a situation where you cannot rely on your