A Dream Hunt for Sea Ducks in Maine
Megan Harten, Savage Arms Senior Communications Specialist, has dreamed of hunting sea ducks and had the opportunity of a lifetime to hunt them in Maine. Looking out the window of my last flight of the day, I could see snow covered earth as the sun

How I Developed a Hunting Passion: Evolution of a Hunter
Not everyone was raised a hunter. Some learn and develop hunting passion later in life. Beth Shimanski, Savage Arms Marketing Director, shares how she evolved as a hunter. When I started in this industry 4 years ago, hunting was a passion I had not yet

New Savage Muzzle Brake: How Does it Work?
A muzzle brake’s job is to help a shooter recover from their rifle’s recoil. The benefits are many: More comfortable shooting, the ability to spot your own shots at long range, or the difference between 1st and 5th place in a 3-gun